CALA 2025  Anniversary Conference,
Location and details in development

Contact CALA if you are interested in joining the conference team in 2025.  Positions available include: presenters, trade show vendor, special guest speaker, prize contributor, volunteer which includes a wide variety of support functions. Contact CALA to discuss your interest.


Contact CALA if you are interested in purchasing this equipment.

CALA also offers workshops on how to correctly purchase the right size for your participants and how to correctly use them.

Click here to download pdf

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Hi Charlene,

 Thank you for the amazing courses and motivation.  To this date the first CALA course I took in 2003 (I think that was the year)  is my favourite fitness course I have ever taken, and was the one thing that really got me inboard and excited about fitness education and instructing - Thank you for designing such a great course. 

I am thinking about taking the Aqua Infused Yoga in January in Ottawa- is it for cooler pools too? Yes you can modify as required for recreational pools.


"Hi Karl....before we get too far away from the event, I just wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you and how much I enjoyed your presentations. I especially appreciated your expertise, your passion and your approachability :)

I think that you managed to inspire quite a few people.....I'm hearing of several classes where the non-verbal cueing was used last week. The instructors were quite impressed....seems like that was something new for most of them to consider !

I meant it when I asked if you'd come back to Winnipeg....and I'd welcome any suggestions that you might have for future workshops.

So thanks were just what the doctor ordered. Looking forward to a next time !"

Feedback about the quality of CALA Mentoring If you are a new CALA Aquafit Instructor, contact CALA to discuss how you can experience the value of their Mentoring Program. Mentoring is give from the heart by current instructors to help new instructors as they start their journey towards becoming CALA certified. Mentoring does not end once Instructors are certified. Many instructors continuously participate in other instructor's classes or have other instructors come to their class and provide feedback. CALA is an Alliance. No one instructors knows everything. As an Alliance the instructors can turn to fellow instructors for guidance and answers to their questions. Together CALA is strong because of the Alliance relationship.

If you would like to share your story, please pass it along to CALA. CALA love to share success stories. Your story can be about you, your facility or participants. CALA would like to share our Certified Aquafit Instructors success stories. The Kopansky Methodology is a total body holistic approach (Mind, Body & Spirit). Charlene would love to share your memories and testimonials. If you have a CALA success story that you would like to share, please send it along to CALA  Submission can be in text, video or pictures. Thank you for your contributions.

From Sylvia... December 2012...

I wanted to say a big Thank You! 

I have been teaching Aquafit for many, many years now and have followed all of the trends/organizations in water training of course, including CALA. 

I LOVE CALA - such a professional approach to a beautiful mode of exercise.  Over the years I have been approached to teach on land and was certified to do so when I was just starting out but the water is my first love and I really enjoy leading my participants.

In the past four years, every Wednesday and Thursday evening, I took one hour bus ride from my Scarborough office to Goodlife to attend the aqua-fit class taught by a very special instructor. My attendance record was excellent.  She has a solid knowledge about teaching aqua-fit.  Her strong knowledge enabled her to teach new things nearly every class.  Also, she customized the exercise to feed the needs of the people attending the class.  For beginners, she taught the basic skills.  For the advanced ones, she taught the more challenging exercise.  She was also patient in teaching.  She showed compassion to the seniors.  She had the magic to motivate her learners to do their best in the one hour class. She explained the rationale behind each movement to enable learners to focus on  the body part while doing it.

"Hello Charlene & Karl,

 It makes me feel so proud to have met my goal in achieving my CALA Aqua Yoga Certification. 

I look forward to integrate the Aqua Yoga flow of movement & poses with grace and fluidity into my aqua fusion classes.  It was an awesome Journey that took my “Breath’ away and brought it back ‘Alive’ & ‘Reborn’ again!

 For all the hard work it took, it was definitely worth it!

Many thanks to’ Karl Notargiovanni’ for sharing his knowledge and expertise in introducing Aqua Yoga to all CALA  Leaders & Trainers.

 Montreal, Quebec.


Learn the difference between resistance and drag

Breaking CALA news brought to you by Dylan Harries
CALA will be delivering the
Aqua Muscle and Core Program 
training using the new Aqua Logix Power Pod

The training will be offered
across the country in 2022/23
Keep an eye on the Schedule Events page  for available dates.

Contact CALA
to discuss how  you  can bring this
 training to your venue.


Thank you for the very helpful handouts. 


  Testimonial from the CALA Lacombe Alberta Conference June 2022

CALA thanks everyone for their constructive and valuable feedback.  We learn from each experience.  This was the first time we offered a combined live/zoom conference.

  The Need for a Balanced Workshop

Download a copy of the Article


Charlene leading the new CALA Ultimate Aqua Muscle & Core (HydroRevolution - AquaLogix Equipment) workshop in Mississauga
Hello CALA Enthusiasts,
Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon workshop experience. The time really flew by for me and I had fun! The questions and creative ideas were wonderful and set a fabulous tone for the workshop. Many thanks to Ann and Lisa and Mark for helping out at the event. And special thanks for Linda Northcott for managing to book this workshop at Malton Community Centre.
Contact CALA if you would like to book an Aquafit Workshop of Certification Course at your facility.  416-751-9823  CALA offers customized workshops to meet your needs. Hybrid (theory through zoom and practical onsite).


Charlene presented and exceptional and important Older Adult Functional Movement Workshop in Mississauga this weekend.
Participants took away new ideas to to implement into their classes and an new insight into working with older adults.
Contact CALA if you would like to bring this workshop to your facility.

Older Adult Functional Movement Workshop
It’s all about strength, balance, coordination, mobility, & gait training to enable participants to age with vim & vigour. Learn how to build confidence & elevate self-esteem while motivating seniors to take charge of their health & well wellbeing.
Experience Aqua Infused Yoga poses to add to your classes. Move from chest deep to deep water or remain in one depth.

