Tip of the Month

Toronto Ontario Canada M1R 3W6 Phone: 416-751-9823    cala_aqua@mac.com 

 Facebook CALA Canadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance Inc  CALA Instructors Only


Charlene Kopansky,
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How Knowledgeable Are You About Aquafitness

How much do you know about Aquafitness? Below are a few questions to test your knowledge.

Test Your Knowledge

1. Who benefits from Aquafitness?
Older Adults
Injured people
Healthly people only

2. Do I have to be a swimmer to do Aquafitness?

3. Is it okay to do the exercises at my own pace?

4. Does the temperature of the water impact on the type of class?

5. Is your heart rate:
Same as on land
10 beats faster than on land
10 beats less than on land

6. Is it important to use an Aqua Safety Mat?

7. What are the 3 characteristics of water?
Temperature, Deep and Viscosity
Bouyance, Reflection,and Turbulence
Reflection, Refraction and Viscosity

8. What are the magical properties of water?
Resistence, Bouyancy, Turbulence
Resistance, Bouyancy, Hydrostatic Pressure (HP), Turbulence, Thermal Conductivity
Resistance, Bouyancy, Turbulence, Thermal Conducti

9. What is the recommended bmp range for Aquafitness - chest deep and deep water?
132 - 140 bmp
118 - 128 bmp
126 - 130 bmp

10. What is the relationship between speed and resistence?
When you double speed, you quadruple resistance
When you double speed, you double resistance
When you double resistance, you quadruple speed

11. Even though air temperature is usually around 22 degrees C and the pool water is around 25-32 degress C, why does the person feel colder in the water?
Partial immersion
Thermal Conductivity
Less clothing is worn

12. What are the components of a class?
Warm up, Cardio and Stretching and Relaxing
Warm up, Cardio, Muscle Conditioning, and Stretching and Relaxing
Warm up with stretching, Cardio, Muscle Conditioning and Stretching and Relaxing

13. What is the purpose of the warm-up portion of a class?
To increase Heart Rate, redistribute synovial fluid within the joint, increase respiratory rate, and open capillary beds in the working muscles
To increase muscle temperature and increase respiratory rate
To redistribute of synovial fluid within the joint, increase heart rate, increase respiratory rate, open capillary beds in the working muscles, increase muscle temperature and redistribute blood from other organs to the working muscles

14. What does F.I.T.T. Principle stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Temperature
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Familiarity, Intensity, Tempo, Temperature




CALA • Toronto, Ontario • M1R 3W6 • Canada  •  Phone: 416-751-9823 • CALA_AQUA@mac.com 


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Web site: Last Update:  August 06, 2021