CALA West Canmore 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference

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On-site (no zoom option)

What:  CALA West 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference

When: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Where: Elevation Place, Canmore Alberta
Who: Charlene Kopansky & a team of presenters
Credits: 8 CALA, canfitpro, 8 BCRPA, 8 SPRA, 8 CFES, 8 NSFA, , 8 OFC, YMCA, NBFA

Download Brochure and Registration Form (pdf)

Presenters discussing their sessions
Presenter Introductions
McLaren Michelle
Dylan Harries
Charlene Kopansky
Mary Lou Hall
Leah Widynowski
Conference Details

CALA Aqua Vitality Workshop with Dylan Harries October 15th, Canmore AB.

Dylan, I have to say that your Aqua Vitality session in the pool day 2 was my favourite. My body loved it. There were only a few things I needed to modify with my knee but that is to be expected. I have only gotten to see you teach the CALA Liquid Barre Clinic on line. You should be teaching the CALA Group Aquafitness Specialty program as well. You have a spark when you teach on the deck that is contagious.

CALA Certified Instructor, Cochrane, AB
CALA thank you
"Thank you for a Fabulous CALA Conference experience in Canmore, AB October 14th & 15th!
I didn't realize until I was at the 30th CALA celebration that I actually was in the initial CALA classes taught in North Vancouver. My instructor was very conscientious and taught us according to form. All learned from the book, Foundations of Vertical Water Training, I eventually got to study first hand and now know why she was able to teach the way she did. I am so glad to have CALA in my life! I wish I could remember my instructor's name. I sure can remember her character and positive influence in my life. I bet you'd know her. Sunny complexion. Tawny hair. She often wore a baseball cap teaching 30 years ago.
Thanks for the weekend and all the rest that added up to it!"
CALA Certified Leader from Merritt, BC
CALA Inner Choreographer Workshop with Leah Widynowski, October 15th, Canmore AB.

“ I appreciated the permission to "jazz" everything up, but taught in the understanding it should be grounded from the basic CALA movement bank. I loved learning of "the backwards working out plan" from complex to foundational moves and then that the learning was executed from start to final product. Well done. You have such a wonderful ability to play. The world needs people like you to remind them to move and express happiness. It has a ripple effect and benefits so many others when you teach the way you do. Thank you!
Charlene Canmore

Please pass along to Charlene - her water running session at the CALA Conference in Canmore, on October 14th was not what I imagined water running even could be - it was amazing, motivating, wonderful! CALA Member, Parksville, BC.
Wilma Weidner Canmore

Hi Charlene have a fantastic time and please send my regards to Dylan and Karl and Katherine Etc .
I was not able to make it this time.
And again : congratulations on your anniversary.
Many many many years :)))
Kelly Skeavington

Great conference! Thank you SO much for coming to Canmore!
Conference Media (Pictures and Videos)



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Web site: Last Update:  October 25, 2023